Film On The Obamas’ First Date To Be Premiered At Sundance | Film News



A film revolving around, arguably one of the most important men on earth’s first date with his wife is heading to Sundance Film Festival 2016. That’s right, US President Barack Obama and first lady Michelle Obama will be portrayed in a film set in 1989, when the president first attempted to woo his now wife. Southside With You will focus on the pair’s afternoon spent together “on an epic first date across Chicago’s Southside” according to IMDB.


The film will star Parker Sawyers, as Obama, and Tika Sumpter as, then Michelle Robinson. Think of it as a Linklater, Before Sunrise, style film but with the president and his first lady… Cool, right? The romantic drama will premiere during the 2016 festival which runs from January 21 to January 31.



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