Donald Trump Describes Kurdistan Workers’ Party As Bigger ‘Terrorist Threat’ Than The Islamic State | Politics


After the decision of Donald Trump to remove US troops from Northern Syria, where they were fighting ISIS alongside with the Kurds, President Erdogan and Turkey have finally had the possibility to invade the zone and fight against the Kurdish troops. Indeed, Turkey has always accused the two kurdish forces Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) and YPG of being terrorists and of working with ISIS (the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria).


The US move, which left the Kurds without any military support, was described as a betrayal, and has since even caused the deaths of civilians and important political figures such as Hevrin Khalaf who was championing tolerance in Syria and was working to unite Christians, Arabs and Kurds


These days, despite Trump’s solicitations and threats sent to the Turkish president, the offensive is pushing ahead against the PKK that has waged a 35-year insurgency against the Turkish state. While Turkey continues with its military operations against Kurdish fighters, the United States is trying to absolve itself of any responsibility towards their old ally.


Moreover, President Trump felt the duty to justify his actions and has declared today that he actually made the right move in withdrawing his troops away from Syria, declaring that the Kurds were “not angels“, especially referring to the main enemy of Erdogan: the Kurdistan Workers’ Party.


As he said: “Now the PKK, which is part of the Kurds, as you know, is probably worse at terror, and more of a terrorist threat in many ways than ISIS. If Turkey goes into Syria it is between Turkey and Syria. It’s not our problem“.


Apparently, it is not your problem anymore when it is not useful for your own fight for democracy.



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