Google Employees Call On Tech Companies To Adopt Stronger Climate Plan | Politics


The main steps that should be taken for climate change must also come from the largest technology companies, including Google. This is what Google employees have emphasized in a letter of protest sent to Google’s chief financial officer, Ruth Porat.


The public letter was signed by more of 1000 workers who are trying to involve as many people as possible to raise awareness about the roles that companies such as Google, Microsoft, Amazon have for “company-wide climate plan”.


As it was reported in the letter: “Google is a global company with billions of users across the world, many of whom are already bearing the brunt of climate disaster [8]. Google’s code of conduct requires respect for users and for opportunities [9]. As Google workers, we are committed to putting our users first, and Google must do the same.


In fact, Google has been “carbon neutral” since 2007, and uses 100% renewable energy for its operations, but at the same time, it has not hesitated to make several choices against global warming during these years. That is what the employees underlined in the letter that Google should not be doing, in order to deliver a concrete climate plan.


As they reported, the tech company has  made large donations to “climate-denying or -delaying think tanks, lobbyists, and politician“. The signatories also demand for zero emissions by 2030 and no contracts that allow the extraction of fossil fuels.


Google chief executive Sundar Pichai responded to the demand for zero emissions in an interview with the Financial Times by saying: “It doesn’t seem unreasonable to me”. As he concluded: “We want to be ambitious in how we think about it. It definitely seems the kind of timeline by which we want to accomplish those things”.



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