‘Transformers’ Spin-Off Movie Scheduled For 2018 Cinematic Release | Film News

Bumblebee Transformers


On February 12, 2016 Paramount Pictures confirmed that a Bumblebee Transformers spin off movie is scheduled for a 2018 cinematic release, with Transformers 5 scheduled to be released in 2017.


Bumblebee is considered by many loyal fans of the Transformers franchise as one of the most exciting characters in the current film series. Bumblebee has already previously appeared in all four Transformers movies, initially alongside Shia Laboeuf, and then Mark Wahlberg for Transformers 4: The Age of Extinction.


Bumblebee has a long and established relationship with the Transformers fanbase contributing to his huge mainstream popularity; therefore why Paramount Pictures have decided to make a spin off movie with him and not Optimus Prime.


Paramount Pictures are hoping that the upcoming Bumblebee spin off movie will be able to to help revitalise the highly profitable Transformers brand as well as help expand the current Transformers multi-verse.


Michael Bay is not going to direct the Bumblebee spin off movie however he is expected to produce it as Transformers 5 is most likely going to be his last directorial.


Mark Wahlberg is scheduled to star in Transformers 5 but very little information is known whether the Bostonian actor is going to be actively involved in the 2018 Bumblebee spin off film.


The Bumblebee spin off movie is scheduled for a June 8, 2018 cinematic release worldwide.



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