UK Government Separating Children From Parents Following Trump-Inspired Policy | Politics


Starting the week with yet another disheartening news about immigration politics and the migrants situation, the independent charity organisation Bail For Immigration Detainees (BID) has revealed that the UK government is separating children from their parents.


Taking a page out of the Trump Administration’s booklet, the British government is said to have been expelling parents without their children. According to the BID, an organisation that provides legal advice to the migrants held in detention centres, there have been 155 cases of parents and children separation.


The children are, reportedly, put in foster care and, while many parents are eventually released after their period of detention, others are sent back to their countries without their sons or daughters.


The practice of children and parents separation has become alarmingly more real for many people who try to flee their country of origin in order to secure a safer life both for them and their children.


Parallel to what is happening in America at the boarder with Mexico, Europe finds itself at the same crossroad as it struggles to find a valid solution to the so-called ‘crisis of migrants’.


The last news from Italy regarding the migrants’ policy imposed by Interior Minister Matteo Salvini has opened up a void between all the European countries, as Italy intends to provide boats and training for the Libyan coastguard in order to stop this “human traffic”.


Likewise, Austria has threatened to close its German border following Merkel‘s more liberal position on the crisis. Citing a duty “to prevent negative consequences for Austria and its population”, Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz confirmed in a statement today Austria’s conservative position regarding the crisis.


As day after day politicians grow more and more concerned with how to stop the flow of “human traffic” instead of trying to solve a situation that would not exist if it wasn’t for Europe’s own faults and colonialism’s aims, it remains hard to foresee any positive resolution.



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