44 years after movie icon Marlon Brando boycotted the 1972 Oscars, should this year Oscar nominees follow in his footsteps by sacrificing the sake of winning in order to make a very powerful political gesture. Marlon Brando was strongly against the racist discrimination and unfair representation that the Native Americans experienced in Hollywood and decided to turn down his second Oscar for political reasons but the ramifications of his actions had negative consequences on his career.
Marlon Brando’s career 1972 onwards declined as the actor had a falling out with the Hollywood establishment resulting in him becoming an isolationist figure and an outcast within the industry. Strong political convictions don’t necessary yield much reward so the boycott temptation this year for Oscar 2016 nominees is very minimal. If a nominee does decide to boycott Oscars 2016 then their reputation could potentially be damaged so the likelihood of such an outcome occurring is highly unlikely.
Unfortunately Marlon Brando’s rebellious legacy no longer remains an influence in 21st century Hollywood but the core values he stood for is still something worth fighting for as the American film industry must seriously reconsider how it treats other ethic minorities.