Arriving in theaters December 21, Aquaman follows the half-human, half-Atlantean DC Comics character introduced in Justice League, which has Game of Thrones‘ Jason Momoa starring as “the reluctant ruler of the underwater kingdom of Atlantis caught in a battle between surface dwellers and his own people“.
Although the plot and reactions from the screening at CinemaCon have been largely kept under wraps, details have finally emerged regarding the standalone film about the King of the Seven Seas, which will be the first superhero movie from The Conjuring and Furious 7 director James Wan.
“James has done an incredible job with his team” Warner Bros. film chief Toby Emmerich told Entertainment Weekly, “The film is taking you to a different place and imagining the underwater world in a way you haven’t seen before”.
One of the producers, Peter Safran, added that the film has “got the great action you expect, it’s got a lot of great humor, it works on so many levels, it’s a testament to James’ unique vision. I think it’s an extraordinary step in DC Universe that sets it on the right path”.
Former DC Entertainment president Geoff Johns, who co-wrote the script years after serving as a scribe on the Aquaman comics, also sang the film’s praises: “The underwater stuff has never been executed like this before. The visual effects shots coming in are just beautiful. James can switch modes from horror to big bright colorful action to really emotional scenes. He’s so able to hit all these different genres”.
If we are to believe the producers, everything seems to indicate Aquaman will swim and not sink.