Kenny Sharp just released new single “Virginia Slim”, known for incorporating a blend of soul, funk, R&B and pop and yet bringing a personal touch to the project’s soundtrack, This jazzy blues song, “Virginia Slim,” is a love letter to his home state’s vast diversity and the new romantic relationships it inspires.
Kenny Sharp’s next album, Gold Rush, which drops in February 7, demonstrates his ability for fusing intimate narrative with a wide range of musical influences.
Set against a lovely jazzy blues progression reminiscent of Ray Charles, Sharp uses metaphor and rich imagery to paint a vivd picture of Virginia. The song celebrates its sprawling diversity, from the busy streets of Northern Virginia, the serene Blue Ridge Mountains, and the busy TideWater region are all within striking distance.
For Sharp Virginia represents a sense of belonging rather than only being a location. As a military brat who moved frequently as a child, Virginia is the one place he always returned to, and the only place that genially felt like home to him.
A major part of sharp’s life is his journey across Virginia. Growing up in Alexandria, Sharp went to college in Lexington, which surrounded by the Blue Ridge Mountains. To pay for his early studio sessions, he took on side jobs in the Tidewater area.
These encounters strengthened his bonds with the state he now respects in “Virginia Slim”, in addition to having an impact on his music.
Sharp developed a distinctive style that was influenced by icons like James Brown and Morris Day, starting as a conscious minded rapper and progressing into a captivating frontman. Under LuchMoney Lewis’ guidance, Sharp, who is signed to Prescription songs, has established a reputation for creating catchy tunes and thrilling live performances.
Listen to his new single below!