I know the Superdry brand well, I was offered a job to work for them in their London store and at that time, it seemed like a definitively cool, British brand. The company aims its products at the twenty-somethings who want to stay on trend but don’t want to look like they’re in high school. It’s not been a great year for fashion retail, as a whole, and Superdry and it’s US competitor Abercrombie and Fitch have seen a fall in sales, with SuperDry owner company SuperGroup recently reporting a decline in profits of about 30% according to their latest figures.
One has to question whether the Superdry / A&F ‘Americana’ look has seen its day. I think rivals, Topman and Zara have shed their image of ‘fast fashion’ and are producing clothes which are on trend, consistently. They’re always on point, no matter what the season. I think the days of Superdry and A&F being the über cool fashion brands has seen its day and are now going to be left on a wire hanger at the back of our wardrobe.