In a journey of chaos and unpredictability, B Franklin takes the viewer on a trip into turmoil, as he scouts for a violent and quick fire way to make ends meet.
The track, “The Heist”, begins calm, yet foreboding. Setting the perfect scene for a heist, basically. The verses are very conversational in their flow, but also mix incessant and unrelenting rhymes, making for a tight vocal performance. Then there is a soulful fadeout, conveying tragedy of some sorts. Maybe the heist will not be successful?
The video, shot in black and white, is the right and wrong between civilian and criminal. It begins with them driving to the scene of the future crime about to unfold. There is an interesting aside to all this, with the getaway driver sitting outside the job nervously. He thinks of his daughter, holding her hand at the playpark, thinking perhaps he will go to jail.