Is your day feeling a bit dry? Everything is grey and dull? Well don’t worry, glitchy-pop producer for Bella Union, Clarence Clarity’s new track has enough lunacy to brighten any dreary sky. “Will To Believe” is from his upcoming debut album No Now, due for release on March 2. The song sounds like R&B on narcotics, cut and sliced over white noise, before being processed through an 80’s sci-fi robot that only just discovered its own artificial emotion. There is something dark and alluring within the madness. The emotive chorus of “Will To Believe” sings “I can always feel it”, and when you think everything is said and done, Clarity hits a whole new wave of screeching synths. He is on tour with Jungle later in the month as well as playing his own headline shows. “Will To Believe” is available to stream below.