Flauwher Invites Fans to Choose His Musical Fate With ‘Airplane Mode’

Flauwher, an artist known for his engaging approach to music production and social media interaction, has recently captured attention with his latest release, “Airplane Mode.”

This track emerged victorious from his unique weekly musical challenge dubbed “SMASH or TRASH,” where he writes and records two songs, posts them on his social media, and allows fans to vote on which song should be officially released. The one with the most votes is declared a “SMASH” and is released, while the less popular track is labeled as “TRASH” and shelved.

“Airplane Mode,” the standout track from week seven of this year-long project, showcases Flauwher’s commitment to productivity and fan engagement, as he is currently in week 16 of a 52-week cycle.

The song itself is a chill pop track that emphasizes the importance of disconnecting from digital distractions to appreciate the present moment. It reflects Flauwher’s personal reminder and philosophy that life is fleeting, and how we choose to spend our time truly matters.

The songwriting and production process described by Flauwher illustrate his rigorous work ethic and creative process, highlighting the “extreme action” he believes is necessary to achieve significant results in the music industry.

His innovative approach not only keeps his audience engaged but also ensures a constant feedback loop and interaction with his fan base, making his musical journey a shared experience. As he looks forward to another 36 weeks of music creation, Flauwher continues to redefine artist-fan interactions in today’s digital age.

Listen to “Airplane Mode” below!


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