Kate Moss Launches Her Mystical Jewellery Collection | Fashion News


Kate Moss’ latest fashion effort lays in the jewellery field by collaborating with Ara Vartanian, a Brazilian jewelry designer with a great celebrity following.


Moss was touched by the quality of his craftsmanship and the modern look of his pieces, which are created with big diamonds or other gemstones.


They worked closely on this collection, having many sessions in Kate’s wardrobe and dressing room, where she took inspiration from.


The result is a collection that mixes Ara Vartanian’s most loved designs with a modern vision of old English mysticism and legends. You can recognise medieval symbols like swords reminiscent of Saint George, England’s patron, sickle moons and amulets, which bring protection and good energy.


“When we spoke about working together, I said I wanted to make more jewelry like that [which bring good energy] —pieces that have meaning, and that you can wear every day”, Moss said about the collection.






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