Music really does bring people together, and never has that been more true than in this case. The fresh new remix of “Fragile” is an intricately haunting collaboration which joins two extremely talented 17-year olds living on opposite ends of the world. “Fragile” originally created by young New Zealand artist Maya Payne, was getting a considerable amount of airplay all over New Zealand and happened to catch the eye of fresh UK producer Will Gibson, who goes under the name Someones Enemy. Will thought he would bring some delicate electronica and shimmering beats to the track to fit so beautiful around the breathtakingly raw vocals that Maya already provides. The result is simply beautiful and the whole production just captivates the listener.
The remix premiered earlier this month on leading Australian music blog ‘Pile Rats’ and Mercedes Benz mixtape recently asked if they could add the remix to their official mixtape. The video for the remix and the original is in the offing and will be released in the next few months. Who would have thought that two 17 year olds would be able to create such a mature and brilliant creation, but Maya and Will have shown that music is something that is just full of surprises, and their latest track £Fragile£ has proven that when it comes to music, youngsters are not so fragile. You can check out the original release here, and for the remix, listen below.