Ryan Manchester Releases Song About New Beginnings ‘Lie to Me’

Ryan Manchester’s latest single, “Lie to Me“, explores the notion that every ending, no matter how challenging, leads to a new beginning. The track combines evocative lyrics and a soul-stirring melody to capture the essence of embracing these beginnings and recognizing that life guides us to where we need to be.

Ryan describes the song as a reflection on allowing new people and experiences to shape one’s personal and artistic growth. “This recording is a testament to allowing new people and experiences in life to help further shape you as a person and artist. At least that’s what it is for me,” Ryan explains. He emphasizes that with every seemingly bitter ending, there is always the promise of a new beginning, even if it isn’t immediately clear.

“Lie to Me” offers listeners hope and a fresh perspective on life’s transitions, resonating deeply with its universal themes of change and renewal. The song exemplifies Ryan’s ability to blend personal experiences with relatable messages, resulting in a track that is both intimate and accessible.

Ryan Manchester is known for pushing the boundaries of folk and Americana music, creating pieces that entertain, inspire, and uplift. His captivating blend of folk rock and Americana ballads is influenced by his Texan roots and the vibrant energy of New York City, where he is now based. His music is characterized by powerful vocals and masterful guitar work, transcending traditional genre boundaries.

“Lie to Me” is available on Spotify, Apple Music, and other major streaming platforms. Fans can follow Ryan Manchester on social media for updates on upcoming releases and live performances. With “Lie to Me,” Ryan continues to establish himself as a compelling voice in the folk and Americana music scene, delivering songs that are both authentic and impactful.

Listen to “Lie to Me” Here.

#Peace.Love.Ryan Manchester

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