Vancouver Pop Darling Madisyn Gifford Unveils New Single ‘Fast One’

Emerging Vancouver-based singer-songwriter Madisyn Gifford is making waves with her latest single, “Fast One,” which precedes her anticipated third full-length album. The track, which dropped on September 6, offers a candid exploration of the emotional turmoil following a brief romantic encounter that ended abruptly.

Gifford’s experiences of sadness, betrayal, and the surprising humor that can emerge from such heartbreaks fuel the song’s narrative, blending raw emotional honesty with a lighthearted tone.

“Fast One” serves as an expressive follow-up to Gifford’s previous release, “Seventeen,” which revisited her folk roots while infusing them with her signature confessional pop style.

This new single continues to showcase her evolving artistry, highlighting her ability to weave complex emotions into catchy, relatable music. The track juxtaposes feelings of hurt with a playful undertone, achieved through a careful balance in production that reflects the contrasting emotions involved in fleeting relationships.

Madisyn Gifford’s music career has been marked by significant achievements, including millions of streams across her catalog and critical acclaim from major publications like Rolling Stone and Consequence.

Her track “Seventeen” notably received substantial streaming attention and editorial playlist placements, enhancing her visibility in the indie and folk-pop scenes. With a full-length album on the horizon, Gifford is poised to further establish her footprint in the music industry, driven by her compelling storytelling and unique sound.

Her journey from her debut EP Learning to Exist to her forthcoming album illustrates her rapid growth as an artist committed to exploring and expressing the complexities of human emotion and relationships through her music.

Listen to “Fast One” below!


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