With the new Wonder Woman, played by Gal Gadot, set to make her first appearance in Zack Snyder‘s up and coming Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice this March, the news of her own standalone flick has been known for some time but now it seems filming is officially set to begin this year, with camera’s rolling at some point in Autumn. The confirmation comes alongside the news that Gadot may be joining the likes of Jon Hamm, Isla Fisher and Zack Galifianakis in the up and coming movie Keeping Up With The Joneses from Gregg Mottola.
The plot details for the new Wonder Woman movie are yet to be confirmed but it is thought that the standalone flick will likely be an origins story, rumoured to be set in the 1920’s, and focusing on how the Amazonian heroine left her home of Themyscira and encountered the USA. If rumours are to be believed, it’s thought that the first film will act as an start of a trilogy of Wonder Woman movies. With Gadot making her first appearance, Batman v Superman hits theatres in March 2016 while Wonder Woman comes to audiences June 23, 2017.
Source: Games Radar