Bat for Lashes also known as Natasha Khan, has directed a 15-minute short film as part of a new anthology film called ‘Madly’. The film is Presented by MTV World and contains “six stories of modern love in all of its dizzying, sweet complications,” which are all directed by someone different. Khan’s short is called ‘I Do’ and speaking to Pitchfork she said:
“It’s about a bride, the morning of her wedding, being disturbed by subterranean weird feelings, message and signs. On the way to her wedding, something really crazy happens, and you’re left wondering whether she’s gonna go through with it. It’s all about redemption of grief, putting ghosts to bed before you can move into a fully committed relationship. It’s very countryside, weird, English, surreal.”
She then added:
“I love directing. I worked with a brilliant DAP, Chloe Thomason—we had quite a strong female contingent, actually. She was my cinematographer, so we spent week beforehand sharing my favorite films, making storyboards, image boards, talking about color, types of light, composition of shots. I’ve been drawing a lot recently, I love the visual thing. It was really nice to have a collaborator again on that level. Directing actors was incredible. I think because of all the singing I do, it’s very much about being in your body and feeling things, so I felt like we had a good basis of understanding, ability to talk about nuances of performance. It was very whirlwind and I was worried I hadn’t got everything I needed, but then in the editing process—like an album—things just shine. Abi Fry, who played viola in the first Bat for Lashes band, she did the majority of the soundtrack. It was really nice to hand that over to someone. I did some synth drones but she was brilliant, she’s got beautiful pieces in the film. I can’t wait to direct a feature film, I really want to do it.”