A brand new Netflix original series premieres this week originated by Black Italian originator and author Antonio Dikele Distefano. The series titled Zero is said to be about the lives of young Black people living in Italy, and sees Distefano also working as co-writer on the show.
The series will focus on the young people in Italy and more specifically Black youth who have had difficult times in this country. It will centre around a Black kid, Zero who can become invisible, and with his superpowers he will use it to try and save Milan’s Barrio neighbourhood from gentrification. The fictive and at the same time real series will really show the reality of Black youth in Italy and will hopefully change things around.
The cast, which was reported by Variety is made up of young Black Italian talent including Giuseppe Dave Seke who will play the lead role Zero aka Omar, alongside Haroun Fall as Sharif, and Beatrice Grannò playing Anna.
The rest of the cast features Richard Dylan Magon will play Momo and Daniela Scattolin as Sara, with Madior Fall playing Hymn, Virgina Diop as Awa, Alex Van Damme as Thierno, among others.
The series was inspired by one of Distefano’s novels as well as his experience of being a Black Italian, and adapted by comic book artist and screenwriter Menotti together with Stefano Voltaggio, Massimo Vavassori, Carolina Cavalli and Lisandro Monaco.
The series will have eight episodes and is produced by Fabula Pictures with the participation of Milan’s Red Joint Film. It is available on Netflix from April 21, with Distefano already talking about a next season so we are excited to see what the series has to offer!
Watch the trailer for Zero below: