ArtAscent is back and ready to usher in a fresh wave of indie and emerging artists from all over the world!
ArtAscent is looking to publish another feature of their internationally acclaimed, Arts & Literature Journal available in digital and print. Each magazine issue is centred on an abstract theme with previous themes for previous competitions and features including ‘Desire’, ‘Bliss’ and ‘the Unknown’. However, this time around, the theme for the competition is “Black“.
In essence, ArtAscent is looking for budding artists and writers to personalise the concept of “Black” through creative expression for a chance to be promoted across their digital, print and social media platforms. It is important to note however that, a relatively small submission fee is charged when submitting selected bodies of work(s).
Winners should expect to have their profile, which can be accessed through their artist/writer website link, and selected bodies of work(s) reviewed and showcased within ArtAscent’s Arts & Literature Journal, online directory and exhibition for at least two years.
Still, those who may not win the traditional first, second or third prize can still find their work featured within the issue, as ArtAscent showcases up to 27 artists and 9 writers within the Art & Literature Journal.
For any further queries, more information on the ArtAscent website and Facebook page, where the application form can also be found. The deadline for submission is April 30.