Bob Geldof Offers His London And Kent Homes To Refugee Families | Music News



“If there’s a new economy then there needs to be a new politics and it’s a failure of that new politics that’s led to this disgrace, this absolute sickening disgrace”. These are the words of Boomtown Rats’ Bob Geldof. The Lead Singer, and all round activist, has had his say on the current immigration crisis, calling it a “betrayal of values”. He said, “I look at it with profound shame and as a monstrous betrayal of who we are and what we wish to be. We are in a moment currently now that will be discussed and impacted on in 300 years time. I’ve known, you’ve known, and everyone listening has known that the bollocks we talk about our values is complete nonsense”.


Geldof is not stranger to helping the needy, previously setting up Live Aid, Live 8 and Band Aid, this time he has offered his own home! “I’m prepared – I’m lucky, I’ve a place in Kent and a flat in London – me and Jeanne would be prepared to take three families immediately in our place in Kent and a family in our flat in London, immediately, and put them up until such time as they can get going and get a purchase on their future”. Maybe its time we all took a leaf out of his book.



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