‘Chase The Truth’ Documentary Defends Michael Jackson Against Sexual Abuse Allegations | Film News


A new documentary about Michael Jackson titled Chase The Truth has been released this week refuting the claims made in Leaving Netherland, which aired earlier this year.


Leaving Netherland had revealed child sex abuse allegations by Wade Robson, 36, and James Safechuck, 41, who both claimed that Michael Jackson sexually abused them when they were children.


After the explosive accusatory documentary, Michael Jackson’s music was banished from severals radio stations all around the world and on the other side a lot of his fans protested against the documentary, while public opinion stayed divided about Jackson’s innocence or guilt.


Nevertheless, the legendary singer had been acquitted in 2004 of child molestation charges, but the debate has resurfaced after his death due to these new allegations. The singer’s family vehemently deny the accusation and call it a “public lynching“.


To defend the singer, his bodyguard Matt Fiddes, his biographer Mike Smallcombe and actor Mark Lester have all testified in this new documentary Chase The Truth. They all believe in the innocence of the actor, claiming that the two accusers are only interesting on money.


The documentary reportedly details how Robson and Safechuck launched a failed legal challenge against Jackson’s estate before filming Leaving Neverland, and also sees Smallcombe debunking key allegations made by Robson and Safechuck.


It’s always financial,” Fiddes says in the documentary. “It’s hard to understand how these allegations can be true”. Friddes also shared the documentary trailer on Instagram, writing that he expects “Wade and James are hiding behind a rock along with Dan Reed somewhere with embarrassment right now!


To form your own opinion, you can watch the Chasing The Truth documentary on Amazon Prime, Youtube and other streaming services.




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