Glastonbury Stars Donate Clothing To Oxfam In Fight Against Fast Fashion | Music News


Sheryl Crow, Lewis Capaldi and Billie Eilish are just some of the Glastonbury stars who donated clothes to Oxfam to show their support of a campaign against “throwaway fashion”.


The artists gave some of their clothing to the charity during the festival in the hopes it will encourage fans to buy second-hand clothes. Other artists involved include Kylie Minogue, who donated a sun visor, and Johnny Marr, who gave a shirt.


Oxfam used the festival to launch its Second-Hand September campaign, asking people to pledge to not buy any new clothes for a month. Crow, Capaldi and Eilish all gave T-shirts while Tame Impala gave a waterproof and Vampire Weekend donated a pair of drumsticks.


The Cure’s frontman Robert Smith gave a “Disintegration”-era shirt, which he wore in 1989 and again at a Sydney Opera House gig earlier this year.


Singer-songwriter Gabrielle Aplin said she donated her “fabulous gold sparkly jumpsuit” as she wanted “someone else to feel as good in it as I did“. She added: “I believe passionately in sustainability. Chucking perfectly good clothes in landfill really has to stop“.


According to Ofxam, 11 million items of clothing end up in landfill every week.


Fee Gilfeather, Oxfam’s sustainable fashion expert, said, “We are so grateful to the artists and to Glastonbury for supporting Oxfam’s campaign against throwaway fashion. It’s in everyone’s power to change things.


By signing up to Second-hand September and pledging to say no to new clothing for one month, you can help protect the environment, and if you buy second-hand in Oxfam you’ll be helping the poorest people around the world escape poverty”.


The artists’ clothes will be available to win or buy on Oxfam’s online shop until September.



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