Israeli Singer-Songwriter Dawn Somek Unveils New Single ‘Hold Me’ | Music News


Israeli soul and R&B singer and songwriter Dawn Somek has just dropped her second single entitled “Hold Me”.


“Hold Me” combines elements from soul, R&B and funk music. Dawn Somek’s soulful voice helps turning the song into an emotional and powerful piece.


The song was written as a conversation between the singer and herself, and the lyrics represent the experience of life through the eyes of a child.


The artist has had a busy year, since it’s her second single in 2020 after “Across the Sun”, a live session released in July.


She usually writes about love, life and empowerment, among other topics.


About the message of the song, Dawn Somek explains: “The mixture of upbeat music and meaningful lyrics emphasize the fine line between happiness and sadness. The message of the song is to help and forgive yourself, and to allow yourself to grow and overcome all of your fears and stay strong.”


After a classical singing training, Dawn Somek continued to study music at Rimon College of Music, where she met her bandmates and producers. They’ve been working on new music and new materials, and it has resulted in two singles to that day, with many more pieces to be expected.


You can listen to the track right here:




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