Missouri Band Fox Royale Unveils Second Single ‘Out Of My Hands’ | Music News


Indie Band Fox Royale has released their brand new single “Out Of My Hands“, produced by Nick Anderson of The Wrecks.


The tune is the second single of the Missouri-based band who deliver the same energy as The Strokes, Vampire Weekend or Cold War Kids. Their strength is to write emotive songs about insecurities, breakups, and family breakdowns that nevertheless sound joyful enthusiastic.


Furthermore their songwriting is authentic and comes with brutally honest lyrics. “We’re trying to tackle [millennial anxieties] in such a way that doesn’t sound naive, which is hard because we’re as young as the people listening” says vocalist and guitarist Nathan Hurley.


It’s bright sounding. A lot of it sounds happy. It’s not just one line that’s super catchy. We want every line to get stuck in your head” he explains further.  Their music spreads classic indie vibes with rock and pop elements.


About the inspiration for their new track “Out Of My Hands“ Nathan Hurley says, “I had just gotten married two months before our first trip to California. ‘Out Of My Hands’ came directly from the tension I was experiencing with my partner on the day we wrote it.


I’m no good men, you won’t forget, rude words I said, I’m still a mess” he sings haltingly in the first line. Then the song turns more and more to a playful, uplifting track with dancey beats. Listen to “Out Of My Hands” below.




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