Meet Okilly Dokilly, a Ned Flanders Tribute band and a metal band at that. They are a newly-formed band from Phoenix, Arizona and their name is the famous catchphrase from The Simpsons character Ned Flanders. They look like Ned Flanders and they dress like him too, with all the band members wearing the characters green sweater with a pink shirt underneath, slacks and they have moustaches (well one has slight stubble there).
They like to call themselves “the world’s only Nedal band” and they all have different Ned names. There’s Bled Ned, Red Ned, Thread Ned, Stead Ned and Head Ned. In an interview with, the Head Ned spoke about the band name “Myself and our drummer (Bled Ned) were in line at a grocery store, entertaining ourselves by coming up with really cutesy names for really hardcore, brutal bands“.
Head Ned continued, saying, “the name Okilly Dokilly came up and was very funny to us. We ran with it. I contacted a few friends (Red Ned, Thread Ned and Stead Ned) and here we are. Most of us have played in other bands around our hometown. This is definitely the heaviest-sounding project any of us Neds have done“.
A lot of their songs are named after quotes from The Simpsons character, with one called “Nothing At All” and another called “They Warned Me”. The band are due to play their first hometown gig on September 5. There’s either going to be some massive copyright lawsuit or a really weird Simpsons episode that’s going to happen in the wake of this. Listen to Okilly Dokilly’s “They Warned Me” below.