Nick Hewer Departs ‘The Apprentice’ After Ten Years On BBC Series | TV News


Alan Sugar’s adviser Nick Hewer for a decade is set to leave the successful BBC business reality show The Apprentice. Nick said that it is with relief and a touching regret that he comes to this decision, he loves the show and believes that it is a proper and unique way for young talented people to nurture their skills in the world of business. Nick had announced his quitting of the show via Twitter saying, “so farewell Apprentice – it’s been 10 yrs of fun working on a worthwhile show but now it’s time to file the notebook and throttle back. Bye”. Alan Sugar replied via Twitter with, “it’s with a heavy heart I have to say farewell to my good friend Nick Hewer from the apprentice. I thank him sincerely for the past 10 years“. His exit was announced as he filmed the final of this year’s series, which will be broadcast this Sunday at 21:00 GMT.



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