Animated satire show The Boondocks returned to the Adult Swim Network after a four year hiatus, but without the creator Aaron McGruder on board. The star-studded cast consisting of Regina King, John Witherspoon, Cedric Yarbrough and Gary Anthony Williams has returned. The network revealed that the return of the popular show took so long due to creative differences between McGruder and other writers.
The show looks at the extremes of African American life in an entertaining, insightful and satirical way. It focuses on the Freeman family, made up of Granddad, Riley who is more concerned with money, girls and cars and Huey who is an activist/freedom fighter labelled a terrorist by the government.
While some praised the new episode ‘Pretty Boy Flizzy’ which mocks singer Chris Brown, others believe without McGruder’s creative presence, it will soon lose its appeal. The show is broadcast every Monday on Adult Swim at 10.30 pm. McGruder has been commissioned to create a new show for the network called Black Jesus.