The Newest Single ‘Pink Couch’ From J. Hutton Is Out Now | Music News


Singer, songwriter and illustrator J. Hutton has released his latest single “Pink Couch”, a catchy track which is definitely going to be part of your soundtrack during these long evenings of quarantine, lighting up your mood.


J. Hutton has a passion for vintage films, antique upholstered couches, timeless dresses and the sound of Ella Fitzgerald. With his latest single “Pink Couch”, he shows his vintage taste bringing us back into the past, as the song is a hymn derived from his appreciation of the past.


The artist found inspiration for this engaging track when a thunderstorm hit the buildings of the centre of Manhattan. The torrential rainfall and the lights of the nearby buildings created a pin reflection that coloured the couch of a pink hue. That’s when the single “Pink Couch” was born, as J. Hutton and his musical partner Losh amazingly put into music that unique atmosphere.


Pink Couch” is definitely a unique single, which features captivating instrumental, engaging drums, smooth vocals and delicate melodies that would perfectly fit an antique shop but nevertheless the song is perfect for the cozy times we are all living when locked inside our homes.


Following J. Hutton’s single “Twice”, “Pink Couch” is a brand new release you will want to hear with the volume of your headphones high, so turn it on now as you check out the link below!


Listen to it here:




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