Virginia Artist Jessamyn Day Is Back With Her Second Single Of 2022 ‘Highways’

Indie rock artist Jessamyn Day has shared her last released “Highways”, focused on the issues of the current time. The song is a lament of the suffering and injustice in the world. While offering hope, it is unafraid to look truthfully at the state of our world and the human condition.

From borrowing the guitar of his father to taking part of the school choirs, the Thailand-born American artist Jessamyn Day was born to be an artist since her first breath. Her music has the particularities to follow the same mosaic, blurring the boundaries between indie, folk, pop and hip-hop genres, sacred and secular but also between forever and current time.

Born in Thailand and schooling in India, when she arrived in America the culture shock was huge. Reaching college, she figured out that everyone didn’t have the same feeling of craving of creation. Her focus dwelled in the benefit of people.

Jessamyn Day debuted in 2019 with Painted Jezebel EP, the album emphasized the theme of transformation. Being the second track released this year, “Highways” is a perfect representation of the artist signature. Featuring her companion Daniel Bryant, the single is composed of deep and catching lyrics backed up by measured acoustic instrumentation.

More than a folk song, “Highways” is an ardent song and transmit prophetic energy which makes the listeners to take the time to make consciousness of the world state.

Speaking about the song, the artist says: “Highways is a song that I wanted to write for a really long time. I knew what I wanted the song to say and had the guitar riff, and the opening line for a couple of years before the rest of it flowed out. My purpose in this song was that it can be hard to know how to grieve and process really difficult things.

As a Christian, it’s easier to just say God is good, He’s in control, and everything is fine! While I believe that’s ultimately true, we also live in a world with war, injustice, and racism. We live in a world where refugees fleeing for their lives get detained and separated from their families at the US border, where babies are killed and children go hungry, and where my black brothers and sisters are twice as likely to die in police custody.

We live in a world that is not yet seeing the full redemption and complete fulfillment of the kingdom of God. I think it’s important for everyone, including Christians to really lament these things. In Highways, I really wanted to create a space to grieve, repent, pray, and just express that ache and longing for things to be right. I also wanted to do that in a way that is hopeful but doesn’t just want to move out of the discomfort of the pain too quickly.

Listen to “Highways” here:


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