Ziemba Shares New Song ‘Bygones’ | Music News


René Kladzyk expresses her artistic talent behind the name of Ziemba. Particularly, she uses music as one of her ingredients for her multisensory experiments and performances. Based in New York, since the first time she used fragrance for her debut album, she has developed a new way to make her music overwhelm the spaces where it is listened.


Furthermore, she gave proof of her multisensory performative abilities in a commission at National Sawdust, where she composed a 5-part original a cappella music for fire organ. On that occasion, she transformed the voices of the vocalists into scent, using a fragrance apparatus within the fire organ as the translator between the human voice and a continually changing scent.


Moreover, even her latest full length album, Ardis, is an interesting experiment which is not only limited to the musical experience. In fact, it has been shared in the form of audio download, limited batch fragrance, video, and tape.


Nevertheless, her unique abilities don’t end here as she has demonstrated with latest song “Bygones”. It is another step in the artistic reseach of how music can transform and melt sonic spaces and perceptions around the listener.


Her powerful tool is the fragrance, which she uses to create musical shapes in order to break the traditional barriers of an auditory experience and explore new kind of expressions, stimulating all the senses and dealing with a wide range of emotions. All these things explains perfectly her natural attitude to create extraordinary performances.


By listening to “Bygones”, a dance melody will transport you into the 80s flows, revealing her powers though unique musical expression. Her repetitive voice is like hearing a musical trick which hypnotises you. Beats and vocals alternate themselves in a colorful dance. “Bygones” is a running of fluid and indistints sensations.


Listen to the song below:




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