Big Hero 6, the 2014 computer animated superhero comedy film, produced by Disney Animation Studios, is heading for the small screen in 2017. It has been reported that Disney XD, a cable and digital channel owned by Disney Channel Worldwide, is set to show the new programme, entitled Big Hero 6:The Series, in 2017. The series is set to pick up where the movie ended, continuing the adventures of 14 year old Hiro Hamada, a robotics genius and his robot Baymax.
The series is also set to include other original characters from the movie, such as Wasabit, Honey Lemon, Fred and GoGo. Disney Channel president Gary Marsh has said of the upcoming series: “We are thrilled to have the opportunity to further develop these characters into a world-class animated series – full of fun, action and the kind of endearing storytelling that only Mark, Bob and Baymax can deliver“. Take a look at the original movie trailer for Big Hero 6 below!