German Twin Brothers Amistat Share Their New Track ‘Keep Your Head Up’

Twin-brother duo Amistat, captivates with their latest offering, “Keep Your Head Up“.

The twin brothers, Josef and Jan Prasil, of Amistat hail from a diverse lineage, with roots stretching from Germany to the Czech Republic and Australia. However, their true bond is manifested in their harmonious, emotive songwriting, enriched by their unique personal nuances.

Their 2023 EP, Colour in Life, brims with the energy of the duo, following their successful trajectory of accumulating millions of streams and performing to packed houses in various countries. Each song weaves a dual-narrative, seamlessly allowing both voices to resonate.

Despite being born in Germany and bearing lineage from the Czech Republic and Australia, the brothers spent their early life in Italy. They moved to Germany for five years before eventually settling in Australia for a year. It was during this period in Australia that Josef, who had moved there with his girlfriend, began exploring music as a survival mechanism. Upon Jan’s arrival a year later, Amistat was formed.

Over time, the duo has crafted their unique sonic identity through multiple independent EPs. Their track “Far From Home” stands out, boasting over 1.6 million Spotify listens. They’ve graced various stages including the Woodford Folk Festival, National Folk Festival, Fairbridge, and Nannup, and toured extensively across Australia, the UK, and Europe.

Their 2021 EP, Still Alive, amassed over 5 million plays, featuring crowd favorites such as “Listen to the Silence,” “Brave,” and “Build A Home.” Post-release, they embarked on a 150-show tour, reaching destinations like South Africa and Italy.

Indulge in the mesmerizing new release, “Keep Your Head Up,” by Amistat below!


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