There are two completely different types of handbags: the normal ones and the ‘it bags’ – those accessories that are meant to be cult objects. The ones who have their own name and are the centre of all attention. And amongst them all is Gucci. And talking about luxury, there’s another main word: customizing.
And that’s why Gucci’s DIY customizing service has not missed their chance. The initiative is trying to promote their clients’ creativity by allowing them to alter the patterns, add their initials or apply crystals to their Ophidia tote bags.
If you’re into sneakers too, Gucci is also offering the chance of adding your initials onto their Ace sneakers. The letters get fixed through patches with different colour combinations and materials: either red, green, yellow, black and pink leather or red, green, dark yellow, shining fuchsia and gold python. It is another way to express ourselves in fashion and make yourself an ‘it girl’.