Maddie Morris Offers Resonant Ode To Identity And Change On New Album ‘Skin’

Maddie Morris, a name swiftly gaining resonance in the folk music scene, has just introduced the world to their debut studio album, Skin, a compilation that promises to be as rich in narrative as it is in melody. Released on February 23, this album emerges as a tapestry woven with the threads of identity, activism, and hope, firmly rooting Maddie as a formidable voice in contemporary folk.

Morris, already revered for winning the BBC Radio 2 Young Folk Musician award, continues to harness music as an avenue for social discourse and inclusivity. Their previous work, the EP Upstream, hinted at a talent unafraid to confront and challenge traditional folk boundaries, and Skin appears to be a natural and bold progression of that ethos.

Jim Moray, a renowned name in the folk world, has described Morris as a trailblazer for a new generation of socially conscious songwriters. This album appears to serve as a platform for such advocacy, underlined by recent work exploring LGBTQIA+ narratives through traditional music lenses and collaborations with groups like Queer Folk and Trans Pride Brighton.

The album, produced by Pete Ord and birthed in the scenic Studio at Sunbeams in Cumbria, seems to marry the introspective with the universal. It boasts a roster of collaborations with folk luminaries such as Archie Churchill-Moss and Belinda O’hooley, whose artistry adds layers of depth to Maddie’s profound songwriting.

The album’s key tracks – “Easily Bruised,” “Cedar Swamp,” and “Wee Weaver” – might just be the gateway to understanding Morris’s complex artistic vision, which is said to stem from a place of hope, not anger. It’s a journey through queer joy, a celebration of liberation, and a look into the depths of vulnerability and hope.

Skin stands not just as an album but as a statement, an artifact that resonates with the adage ‘the personal is political,’ a sentiment echoing from the era of second-wave feminism. It’s a reflective piece that invites listeners to connect the dots between personal narratives and the wider societal framework, reinforcing the power of music as a tool for change.

This release via NoMasters signifies a pivotal moment in Morris’s career, as they step forward not only as an artist but as an advocate for change through the medium of heartfelt, melodic expression.

Listeners eager to explore Skin can listen to the album below, where they can delve into Maddie Morris’s unique blend of folk melodies and socially-charged lyrics.


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