Tasweer Photo Festival Celebrates Black Beauty With ‘New Black Vanguard’ Exhibition | Arts


As part of the first ever Tasweer Photo Festival in Qatar, photographers of African descent across fashion and design are being honoured for their work in an exhibition called The New Black Vanguard: Photography Between Arts And Fashion, which aims to celebrate black beauty.


Artists such as Tyler Mitchell, Namsa Leuba and Renell Medrano are expressing their celebration of black beauty through their colourful vibrant and modern photos and portraits of people from all over Africa, as showcased in the exhibition.


The exhibition’s photos illustrate different genders, bodies and backgrounds and celebrate black people and their diversity. These pictures are a mix of art and fashion, that illustrate a true blend of origins and avant-garde. The photographs feature colourful waxx patterns and traditional clothes with a look of designer’s wear.


According to Qatar Museum, the organisers of the festival, this exhibition is a celebration of “contemporary Black creativity and the cross-pollination between, art fashion, and culture”.


The New Black Vanguard show is also an invitation to activism and also aims to amplify the cause of Black Lives Matter, while celebrating beauty and diversity through art and fashion. This exhibition is a great way to honour and give visibility to artists who create visual content from many different contexts.


We highly recommend you to check out the work of those inspiring artists. The exhibition is running until March 30 and can be visited here.









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