CARYS Releases Music Video For ‘Princesses Don’t Cry’ | Music News


The powerful messages that the voice of young singer CARYS spreads through her music certainly cannot go unnoticed. Moreover, now that her song “Princesses Don’t Cry” has become an hit, she has released an accompanying music video that won ‘t take too long to become viral, with all the strong emotions that are vividly projected throughout it.


As she revealed on the music clip in a statement: “I wanted the video to be about owning your emotions. Feelings of heartbreak can be overwhelming. But bottling them up is what hurts the most. I want to show that it’s powerful and freeing to allow hurt to exist within us without resistance.


Furthermore, the touching voice that you can hear with this song makes the listener feel the power of his feelings on the skin. We are in front of a manifesto where is revealed how teenager feelings are too much often hidden behind the fear of being judged. CARYS is not afraid to speak up, leaving her public being trained by her sounds, as she defyned them “a vessel for her unfiltered emotions,”.


The hope and the strenght in moving on are the centre of the song, themes which are perfectly fit her voice and instrumental melodies. The power of this song didn’t take long to reach the fame particularly on TikTok where 850k videos have been created using the song, reaching over 17 million views.


Watch the video below:




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